to KATA Site

Welcome to the homepage of the KATA based in the United States.
미국의 KATA 홈페이지를 방문해 주셔서 감사합니다.

This Is Our Story
우리는 이렇습니다..
It is a for-profit organization that was reorganized into a professional organization centered on meaningful experts in 2015, a non-profit group that started because it needed a fence of “we” rather than “I”.
It goes beyond the role of receiving travel orders and simply handling business, as well as a kind of guide management task that enhances travel satisfaction by managing and nurturing professional personnel (travel guides) desired by travel agents, as well as developing their own travel styles based on years of experience. It is the only company that provides a platform service that plans a travel course, provides direct travel consulting, and calculates costs.
Enhance your travel experience with our new platform now. Design your own dream trip.
Our Team.
이사회 구성원 (Board Members)
We are composed of the best guides for technical tours such as customized tours, professional conventions, conferences, network marketing, and corporate training.
맞춤 여행, 전문 컨벤션, 학회, 네트워크 마켓팅, 기업체 연수등 테크니컬 투어의
최고 가이드 진으로 구성 되어 있습니다.

What Makes Us Special
"My only goal is to do what I can to get our professional tour guides & tour agent ready for finding jobs, bidding, and maintaining contracts throughout entire U.S.A. I want to help as many that need help… "
John Lee CEO
“Thank you for making your business trip a success by selecting the exact destination I want and providing a professional guide interpreter service..”
“It was a very heartwarming trip where the guide listened to and understood with warm sensibility.”
Robert Kim

" The place where I realized something precious was always
under the blue sky, not in front of my computer."
"소중한 것을 깨닫는 장소는 언제나 컴퓨터 앞이 아니라 파란 하늘 아래였다"
Takahashi Ayumu